The Regional Municipality of Durham

Works Committee Revised Agenda

Regional Council Chambers
Regional Headquarters Building
605 Rossland Road East, Whitby

If this information is required in an accessible format, please contact 1-800-372-1102 ext. 2097.

Note: This meeting will be held in a hybrid meeting format with electronic and in-person participation. Committee meetings may be viewed via live streaming.

There are no statutory public meetings

There are no presentations

There are no delegations





Sole Source of Promotion and Education Services to be Provided by The Regional Municipality of Durham for Circular Materials Ontario for the Blue Box Program under Extended Producer Responsibility

Proposed Automated Cart-Based Garbage Collection Pilot Project





Declaration of Lands as Surplus and Approval to Transfer the Surplus Lands to the Hamilton-Oshawa Port Authority’s wholly owned subsidiary Great Lakes Port Management Inc.

Expropriation of Lands Required for the Oshawa/Whitby Works Depot Construction Project at 951 Winchester Road East, in the City of Oshawa

Tender Award and Additional Financing for Regional Municipality of Durham Contract #D2023-24 for the Stage 3 Liquids and Miscellaneous Remedial Works at the Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant in the City of Pickering

Sole Source Procurement of Equipment, Maintenance Service and Parts for Equipment Installed at Various Water and Wastewater Facilities throughout the Regional Municipality of Durham

Additional Financing for the Award of Request for Proposal #1088-2023 for Engineering Services for Ajax Zone 1 Water Storage Facility, Harwood Avenue Water Pumping Station - modifications to maximize water supply availability from Whitby-Oshawa-Courtice System and the potential for additional onsite storage for the pumping station to manage transient pressures in the Town of Ajax

Beaver River Bridge Closure and Replacement, Regional Road 15, Township of Brock

There are no advisory committee resolutions to be considered

There are no confidential matters to be considered

Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 9:30 AM

Notice regarding collection, use and disclosure of personal information:

Written information (either paper or electronic) that you send to Durham Regional Council or Committees, including home address, phone numbers and email addresses, will become part of the public record. This also includes oral submissions at meetings. If you have any questions about the collection of information, please contact the Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services.