The Regional Municipality of Durham


If this information is required in an accessible format, please contact 1-800-372-1102 ext. 2097.

There are no Information Reports.

There are no Early Release Reports.

There are no Confidential Reports.

There is no Staff Correspondence.

  • Resolution passed at a Special Council meeting held on May 27, 2024, regarding Pickering’s Official Plan Review
  • Resolution passed at their Council meeting held on May 27, 2024, regarding Natural Gas for Rural and Expanding Communities
  • Resolution passed at their Council meeting held on May 14, 2024, in support of the resolution by Hastings County regarding sustainable infrastructure funding for small rural municipalities
  • Resolution passed at their Council meeting held on May 28, 2024, in support of the resolution by the Township of Georgian Bay regarding sustainable infrastructure funding for small rural municipalities
  • Resolution passed at their Council meeting held on May 28, 2024, in support of the resolution by the County of Renfrew regarding rural and small urban Municipalities – Affordability of Water and Wastewater Systems
  • Resolution passed at their Council meeting held on May 28, 2024, urging the Government to Promptly Resume Assessment Cycle 

There is no Miscellaneous Correspondence.