Durham Nuclear Health Committee (DNHC)



Please note: All members of the public may view the Durham Nuclear Health Committee Meetings via live streaming at https://www.eventstream.ca/events/durham-region.

All information and materials sent to Durham Regional Committees will become part of the permanent public record. This includes presentations and oral submissions made during meetings. A video recording of the meeting will be posted on our Regional website. If you have any questions about the collection of information, please contact dnhc@durham.ca.


Received February 27, 2024 from the Ontario Power Generation (OPG), to update on the Darlington New Nuclear Project (DNNP). This update was emailed to DNHC members and observers on February 27, 2024.

For the latest project updates, visit the OPG Neighbours newsletter (News article | Neighbours - Pickering/Darlington - Winter 2024 – OPG). Should you have any questions about the project, contact the project phone line (1-800-461-0034), email darlingtonnuclear@opg.com or visit the public information centre (1855 Energy Drive, Courtice, open Monday-Friday 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.)

Presented by Caitlin Burley, Director, Strategic Programs and Transportation, NWMO

Presented by Dr. Kirk Atkinson, Director, Centre for Small Modular Reactors, Associate Professor & Industrial Research Chair, Department of Energy & Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Applied Science, OTU

Analiese St. Aubin, Manager, Corporate Relations, Pickering Nuclear, OPG