Durham Nuclear Health Committee (DNHC)



Please note: All members of the public may view the Durham Nuclear Health Committee Meetings via live streaming at https://www.eventstream.ca/events/durham-region.

All information and materials sent to Durham Regional Committees will become part of the permanent public record. This includes presentations and oral submissions made during meetings. A video recording of the meeting will be posted on our Regional website. If you have any questions about the collection of information, please contact dnhc@durham.ca.


The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) announced hearing dates to consider OPG’s application for a Licence to Construct. A two-part public hearing will take place virtually in October 2024 and in-person (with a virtual option) in January 2025 at the Ajax Convention Centre. More details on the hearing and the process for participation can be found at Notice of Public Hearing - OPG - Application for a licence to construct one BWRX-300 reactor for its Darlington New Nuclear Project (cnsc-ccsn.gc.ca)

The CNSC advised they are mailing a flyer to communities in Durham Region in early September, 2024. The purpose is to inform residents of the CNSC’s upcoming public hearings to consider OPG's application for a licence to construct one BWRX-300 reactor at the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station. 

Presented by Anjali Pandya, Epidemiologist, Health Analytics and Research, Durham Region Health Department

Presented by Shernette Muccuth Henry, Manager, Public Communications, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL), Karyn Fraser, EA Follow-up Program Specialist, CNL, and Susan Bailie, Manager, Project Transition, CNL

Presented by Analiese St.Aubin, Senior Manager, Corporate Relations & Projects, OPG

November 29, 2024

1:00 pm


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