The Regional Municipality of Durham

Planning and Economic Development Committee Agenda

Regional Council Chambers
Regional Headquarters Building
605 Rossland Road East, Whitby

If this information is required in an accessible format, please contact 1-800-372-1102 ext. 2097.

Note: This meeting will be held in a hybrid meeting format with electronic and in-person participation. Committee meetings may be viewed via live streaming.

Application to Amend the Durham Regional Official Plan, submitted by Lafarge Canada Inc. to permit the expansion of Aggregate Resource Extraction Area #30 in the Township of Uxbridge, File: OPA 2024-001

Re: MMAH Draft Decision on Durham Region Official Plan - Modification #46 - Highway 412 and Rossland Road Interchange

Re: Local Food in Durham Region: Durham Farm Fresh Marketing Association Annual Update and Ontario Local Food Week (Report #2024-EDT-11) [Item 8.2 C)]

Re: Consultation on Potential Amendment of City of Pickering Minister's Zoning Order, Ontario Regulation 102/72

Recommendation: Refer to Consideration of Report #2024-P-13 [Item # 7.2 B) on the agenda]

Re: Request Planning Committee to Consider a Public Process for Durham Region's Response to the May 6, 2024, MMAH Draft Modifications to Durham's New Official Plan

Recommendation: Receive for Information

Re: Durham's Response to MMAH May 6th Letter with Draft Decision & Proposed Modifications to Durham Region Official Plan - Requires Staff Report, Public Process & Council Decision

Recommendation: Receive for Information



Ontario Northlander Station Strategic Case, in Beaverton (Township of Brock)

Regional Comments on ERO Posting #019-8707 to amend the lands covered by Ontario Regulation 102/72 (Federal Airport Lands MZO) in the City of Pickering



Arts and Culture Mapping Report

Hannover Messe Trade Show, 2025 - Participation

Local Food in Durham Region: Durham Farm Fresh Marketing Association Annual Update and Ontario Local Food Week

There are no advisory committee resolutions to be considered

There are no confidential matters to be considered

Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at 9:30 AM

Notice regarding collection, use and disclosure of personal information:

Written information (either paper or electronic) that you send to Durham Regional Council or Committees, including home address, phone numbers and email addresses, will become part of the public record. This also includes oral submissions at meetings. If you have any questions about the collection of information, please contact the Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services.